Behind the Stormy Ocean of the alternate Earth lay the bountiful and mysterious lands of the newly discovered continent of Pandorah.
People of great virtue from all over the Old World venture to build a dreamland, far away from the old cities and tiresome customs. But what challenges will they face in shaping the new society?
Join the ranks of daring adventurers who contribute to building a brave new world full of green energy, unique technologies, and a mix of modern and vintage in fashion, architecture, and lifestyle.
Competitive and cooperative types of players can stoke their gaming spirit with Pandorah. Engage in skill-based PvP clashes or join forces to explore the mysteries of this marvelous new continent. Whatever your preferences are, you will surely leave a mark in the history of the brave new world - because you are one of its authors.
Pandorah immerses you in a world that is a daring mix of avant-garde and vintage technologies, futuristic and retro architecture and fashion, and rich multilayer storytelling full of secrets, adventures, intrigues, and surprises.
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